Weekly Release Notes - 2024-03-26

Hello everyone,

We are thrilled to announce the latest updates for 2024-03-26, packed with bug fixes aimed at enhancing your experience on Avicenna Research. Let’s delve into the details of what’s new in this release:

:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes:

  • Number Question Input:

    • Researchers reported an issue with the Number questions while editing survey responses. Clicking on the plus button resulted in the input displaying a big scientific number and preventing further addition. It’s now fixed.
  • Responding to Video and Audio Questions:

    • We resolved an issue where researchers encountered an error when attempting to record video responses for the Video questions or when uploading audio files for the Audio questions in the researchers’ dashboard.
  • Preferred Unit in Mass and Length Questions:

    • Researchers faced an issue when attempting to edit responses for Mass and Length questions. The survey responses editor wasn’t showing the unit selected in the previous save/submit. We fixed this issue.
  • Submission of Question Contents for Survey Responses:

    • We addressed an issue where survey question contents were submitted incorrectly while editing the responses in the researcher dashboard. This fix ensures accurate submission of question contents, which should be empty in the researcher dashboard, as part of the responses metadata.
  • Null Display in Activity Editor:

    • We fixed the unexpected “Null” display in the Matrix Reasoning’s Welcome Message and Ending Message fields. We also fixed similar occurrences like activity button captions and button icons. This ensures consistent behavior across activity types and text properties.
  • Participant Phone Number Verification:

    • We addressed a critical issue within the participant Android app where the application crashes when participants attempt to verify their phone numbers through the onboarding alert.
  • Entering Large Study IDs:

    • Participants using the Android apps encountered crashes when entering large numbers for the study ID while attempting to join a study. Although we don’t have large study IDs now, we’ve implemented a fix to prevent such crashes.

Thank you for your continued feedback and support which helps us make Avicenna Research better with each release. We hope you find these updates useful. As always, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out with any comments or questions on our Community Forum or contact us directly via Email. Stay tuned for more updates coming your way!