Downloading PDF of questionnaire

Dear Ethica Support,

For documentation, I have been saving PDFs of the questionnaires we have used in our studies. I wanted to do the same for our latest wave, but cannot seem to find the option for this anymore in the changed interface. Could you perhaps point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Hi @e.l.demoor

Unfortunately we have not added this option to our new UI just yet. It is in our plan but it might take some time before we can have it implemented.


Dear Elisabeth,

Hope you’re having a great weekend.
Just wanted to inform you that now you can save your Survey versions (including the Draft) as PDF.
To do so, under the Survey editor, go to Preview & Publish > Versions. There, you can find a “Download as PDF” button for each version.

Best regards,
Mojtaba Javan

Dear Mojtaba,

Wonderful, thank you for letting me know!
