Time zone issue


I noticed that UTC mentioned under “message” in Kibana was not accurate. I was testing the app (in the Netherlands) and the survey schedule/prompt time within the “message” indicated 2 h before my current time (current time should have been= UTC+2). E.g. here:

The record_time however was accurate. Any ideas on why this might be the case?

Thanks a lot in advance,

Hi @m.karacaoglu

The time you see in the message is UTC, as mentioned in the message’s content. But the other times which don’t have a timezone, their timezone is by default set to your browser’s timezone, which is UTC + 2 (as you are based in the Netherlands).

You can change the settings of Kibana and set it to show all times in UTC. In this case, the times you would see in the screenshot above would be the same as the time shown in the message’s content.

Hope this helps.

Thank you @m.hashemian , I think I will leave it as it is because I prefer to see the current Dutch time (UTC+2).